22 / August / 2016 11:20

President: JCPOA brushed aside accusations fabricated against Iran

President: JCPOA brushed aside accusations fabricated against Iran

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action brushed aside the accusations fabricated by the enemies against Iran.

News ID: 736112

'For 12 or 13 years, they accused us of pursuing secret plan to produce weapons of mass destruction,' Rouhani said.

The president said that in the case of Iran's joining the Chemical Weapons Convention and the subsequent inspections of Iran, it was revealed that what the enemies said were nothing else than false accusations, reports IRNA. 

The other way they tried to put Iran under pressure was to accuse Iran of seeking to build atomic bomb, the president said, adding that solving the issue of the so-called possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program proved to the world that Iran was honest and the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation were lying. 

The fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that it had no further questions about the past activities of Iran nuclear program and that it had closed the military dimension of Iran nuclear program is regarded as a moral victory for the Iranian nation, the president said. 

He noted that the atmosphere following the JCPOA is completely different from that of before the deal. 

Iran is the only country among the major oil producing countries that continued to have positive economic growth despite the oil price falls last year without resorting to its strategic reserves, Rouhani said. 

Iran's economic growth stood at 4.4% at the first quarter of the current Iranian year and is expected to reach 5% by the yearend, he said, adding that Iran's inflation continued to drop so the target of single-digit inflation has come true this year. 

Despite all the financial problems over the past several years, the government did not fall short of rendering services to the armed forces and the budget of armed forces this year has more than doubled compared to that of three years ago, Rouhani said. 

On Iran's contribution to regional stability, the president said that Iran has maintained its stability and security, and helped the friendly and neighboring countries suffering from critical security flaws as well. 

Without Iran's help, it was not clear how would be the situation in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, Rouhani said.

'The stability of the regional countries is our own stability and we regard the defeat of terrorism is the defeat of our enemies.'

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